Avidemux video editor 2.7.6 was released a day ago with new video encoder / decoder, and many improvements. Here’s how to install it in Ubuntu 20.04, Ubuntu 18.04, Ubuntu 16.04.
Avidemux 2.7.6 release highlights according to the changelog file:
- Detect and warn when cut points in HEVC video streams may result in grave playback issues despite being on keyframes
- Add libaom-based AV1 decoder
- Add libvpx-based VP9 encoder
- Update to FFmpeg 4.2.3
- Add hardware accelerated deinterlacer and resizer based on VA-API
- Increase maximum supported resolution to 4096×4096
- Add support for Vorbis audio, LPCM audio to the Mp4 muxer
- Add HE-AAC and HE-AACv2 profiles to the FDK AAC encoder plugin
- Numerous other improvements and fixes.
How to Install Avidemux 2.7.6 in Ubuntu:
The official non-install single executable .appimage
package is available for downloading:
Download Avidemux
After downloaded the appimage, go to file Properties -> Permissions and make it executable, finally right-click and run the file to launch Avidemux video editor.
The software is also as containerized Flatpak package.
You can run following commands one by one to setup flatpak, add flathub repository, and install Avidemux flatpak package:
sudo apt install flatpak flatpak remote-add --if-not-exists flathub https://flathub.org/repo/flathub.flatpakrepo flatpak install flathub org.avidemux.Avidemux
Ubuntu PPA:
I’ve uploaded the .deb packages into the unofficial PPA, available for Ubuntu 16.04, Ubuntu 18.04, Ubuntu 19.10, Ubuntu 20.04, and derivatives.
1.) Open terminal and run command to add the PPA:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntuhandbook1/avidemux
Type user password (no asterisk feedback) and hit Enter to continue.
2.) Then refresh system package cache and install the editor:
sudo apt update sudo apt install libavidemux2.7-6 avidemux2.7-qt5 avidemux2.7-plugins-qt5 avidemux2.7-jobs-qt5
To uninstall the PPA, run command:
sudo add-apt-repository --remove ppa:ubuntuhandbook1/avidemux
To uninstall the video editing software, run:
sudo apt remove libavidemux2.7-6 avidemux2.7-qt5 avidemux2.7-plugins-qt5 avidemux2.7-jobs-qt5
And to uninstall the Flatpak package, use command:
flatpak uninstall org.avidemux.Avidemux