Why do i need to blacklist on my network?

There many systems and tehcnologies on the web may be used for malicious intent such as computer intrusions, data-mining, Ads, Telemetry, fraud, phishing and other data-sets that may be used against you or others.

This is why the community Open Source Society Malta and its global partners on this project, hate it when such methods are used to impersonate trusted or influential institutions, people, brands and the companies you do business with in & around Malta.

Thus community has partnered up with War Max IT and others who form part of the digital & cyber security community in Malta and Globally to provide a comprehensive awareness of tools and utilities to help stay safe on the web and to keep your data safe.

But How do i spot a bad actor?

An Example of some of the potential malicious methods used is to trick unsuspecting victims with IDN characters such as ł in iCłoud.com or the zero in Micr0Soft.com 

What Platform or APP can i use for these lists?

As a network-wide DNS blocker, we recommend using Adguard HomePi-holeTechnitiumDNSBlocky (advanced users), adblock-lean (OpenWrt) or eBlocker.

But what does a DNS blocker do?

DNS blockers offer good protection of privacy by blocking tracking, metrics and telemetry. They can be used to block the vast majority of ads, malware, scam, fake and co, but not everything can be blocked at the DNS level!

But what about when i am on the go and/or dont have network control?

If you are unable to VPN into your protected network, we additionally recommend the use of a browser content blocker such as AdGuarduBlock Origin or Ghostery.

Data is collected from multiple sources, these are: 

    • – By You via Submission form below
    • – Goverment agencies that regulate the market such as the advisories from MFSA and MGA  (for Malta list, among others for global lists)
    • – Community via submissions and secuirty projects (like the other blacklists mentioned below)
    • – Companies usally have IT departments that also contribute to Blacklist community project as they benefit from it too
    • – OSINT (open source intelligence) data points 

We do have a community white list available in ad-block format for now – this can be found here

please use whitelists with caution, ossmalta is not responsible if the listed urls get breached.

Black listFormatMaintained byPiholeUblock OriginBlacklist goal
MaltaAdblockOSSMaltayyMade For Malta - Aims to clean the internet and protect your privacy by blocking Ads Affiliate Tracking Metrics Telemetry Phishing Malware Scam Fake Coins and other "Crap".
EuropeAdBlockOSSMaltayyA more borader list than Malta but more European focused - Aims to clean the internet and protect your privacy by blocking Ads Affiliate Tracking Metrics Telemetry Phishing Malware Scam Fake Coins and other "Crap".
OSINT DNSAdblockOSSMaltayyOpen Source Intellagence Network Threats - malware domains list.
Multi LightMulti-formatHagezi (github)yyHand brush - Cleans the Internet and protects your privacy! Blocks Ads Tracking Metrics and some Badware. A size-optimized version of the Multi NORMAL.
Multi NormalMulti-formatHagezi (github)yyBroom - Cleans the Internet and protects your privacy! Blocks Ads Affiliate Tracking Metrics Telemetry Phishing Malware Scam Fake Coins and other "Crap"
Multi ProMulti-formatHagezi (github)yyBig broom - Cleans the Internet and protects your privacy! Blocks Ads Affiliate Tracking Metrics Telemetry Phishing Malware Scam Fake Coins and other "Crap".
FakesMulti-formatHagezi (github)yyA blocklist for blocking fake stores -streaming rip-offs cost traps and co.
Pop-up AdsMulti-formatHagezi (github)yyA blocklist for annoying and malicious blocking pop-up ads.
Threat Intel FeedsMulti-formatHagezi (github)yyA blocklist for blocking malware cryptojacking scam spam and phishing. Blocks domains known to spread malware launch phishing attacks and host command-and-control servers.
Most Abused TLDsMulti-formatHagezi (github)yyA blocklist for blocking Top Most Abused Top Level Domains, merged from @Yokoffing @DandelionSprout @LennyFox including Cloudflare Radar and SpamHaus.
Wally3k's BlacklistAdblockThe Firebog (WaLLy3k)yySuspicius URLs Blacklist - list of sites the maintainer thinks are shady and up to no good ( may have false positives)
Windows Anti-SpyHostsCraxyMaxyyTracking & Telemetry - these will block services and connections that are tracking you and pushing unessory ammounts of phone home data
Easylist (primery)AdblockEasyListyyEasyList is the primary filter list that removes most adverts from international webpages including unwanted frames images and objects. It is the most popular list used by many ad blockers and forms the basis of over a dozen combination and supplementary filter lists.
EasyList Cookie ListAdblockEasyListyyEasyList Cookie List blocks cookies banners GDPR overlay windows and other privacy-related notices.
EasyPrivacyAdblockEasyListyyEasyPrivacy is an optional supplementary filter list that completely removes all forms of tracking from the internet web bugs tracking scripts and information collectors thereby protecting your personal data.
Fanboy's Annoyance ListAdblockEasyListyyFanboy's Annoyance List blocks Social Media content in-page pop-ups and other annoyances thereby substantially decreasing web page loading times and uncluttering them. EasyList Cookie List and Fanboy's Social Blocking List are already included, there is no need to subscribe to them if you already have Fanboy's Annoyance List.
Fanboy's Social Blocking ListAdblockEasyListyyFanboy's Social Blocking List solely removes Social Media content on web pages such as the Facebook like button and other widgets.
Adguard Anti-SpyScript + AdblockAdGuardxyUse as instructed by Adguard documentation - use with caution in Pi-hole
Adguard 's Annoyance listScript + AdblockAdGuardxyUse as instructed by Adguard documentation - use with caution in Pi-hole
Adguard DNSAdblockAdGuardxyAdguard's Offical general dns list for their dns servers - use with caution in pi-hole
AdAwayAdblockAdAwayyy Blocking mobile ad providers and some analytics providers
Adguard DNSadblockThe Firebog (WaLLy3k)yyWally3k and The Firebog - have forked Adguards DNS list and cleaned it to be more compatible for DNS Sinkholes like pihole
Phishing ArmyadblockPhishing ArmyyyBlocks phishing attempts on your network
Anti-Crypto minersadblockThe Firebog (WaLLy3k)yyWally3k, has taken the french universities category list of cryptominers and made it pihole friendly
OSINT Threat InteladblockDigitalSideyyDigitalSide Threat-Intel malware domains list.
Risky HostsadblockFadedMind (github)yyBlocks risky hosts of malware
Goodbye XiaomiHostsGoodbyAdsyyblocks xiaomi telemetry and ads (monitor if your mi cams or doorbell stops working and whitelist what it needs)
Goodbye SamsungHostsGoodbyAdsYYBlocks Samsung Ads and telemetry
Goodbye YoutubeadblockGoodbyAdsyyhelps to reduce youtube ads and telemetry
GoodBye AdsadblockGoodbyAdsyyblocks malware ads and tracking
CoinBlockerListsadblockZeroDot1 (gitlab)yyhelps to prevet cryptomining on your network
NSFWadblockoisd.nlYYBlocks adult content
BIG OSIDAdblockoisd.nlyyBasic. Primarily blocks Ads, (Mobile) App Ads.
Pringets NSFWadblockThe Firebog (WaLLy3k)yyBlocks Adult content (largest datbase known for this category)
URLHause Anti-MalwarehostsAbuse.chyyblocks malware ads and tracking

If the above lists do not work for you, or you would like to share knowledge for other applications and platforms kindly reach out to the team using the contact us page for lists from ossmalta, or contact the respective 3rd-party maintainer.



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Urls in Malta blocklist
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Urls in EU blocklist
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Urls in OSINT DNS blocklist
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