How to Install Handbrake Video Transcoder 1.5.1 in Ubuntu 20.04 / 21.10

The popular free open-source Handbrake video transcoder released version 1.5.0 a day ago and then 1.5.1 with quick fix. Here’s what’s new and how to install it in Ubuntu / Linux Mint.

Handbrake 1.5 contains mainly bug-fixes, libraries and video engine updates. Changes in the release include:

  • Update video engine to preserve chroma sample location information.
  • Update Intel Quick Sync to use the Intel oneAPI Video Processing Library (oneVPL)
  • Update FFmpeg 4.4.1, FreeType 2.11.1, libass 0.15.2, libdav1d 0.9.2, and third-party libraries.
  • Update Intel QSV Flatpak plugin to use Intel MediaSDK 21.3.5
  • Build with GNOME 41 and Freedesktop Platform 21.08
  • Requires macOS 10.13+, Windows 10+ with .NET 6.0
  • Add “Move to top/bottom” to the queue context menu for Windows, and MacOS.
  • Translations updates, and more.

How to Install Handbrake 1.5.1 in Ubuntu & other Linux:

The video transcoder now provides Linux package through the universal Flatpak. For those sticking to the native .deb package, keep an eye on this third-party Ubuntu PPA.

1. Install Flatpak daemon

The Flatpak daemon is pre-installed in some Linux systems, such as Fedora Workstation, CentOS, Linux Mint, and Pop! OS.

For Ubuntu 20.04+, simply press Ctrl+Alt+T on keyboard to open terminal and run the command below to install it:

sudo apt install flatpak

Ubuntu 18.04 and Ubuntu 16.04 user may install the daemon using the stable PPA.

2. Install Handbrake as Flatpak

After setup the daemon, most Linux user may install Handbrake as Flatpak using command:

flatpak install

As mentioned, the packages requires GNOME 41 and Freedesktop Platforms that takes hundreds of MB disk space.

Once installed, search for and open Handbrake from ‘Activities’ overview screen and enjoy!

Uninstall Handbrake Flatpak package:

To remove the app package, also open terminal and run command:

flatpak uninstall --delete-data fr.handbrake.ghb

And remove the useless dependency runtimes via: flatpak uninstall --unused.

For choice, you may also remove the Flatpak daemon if no other app packages installed:

sudo apt remove --autoremove flatpak

That’s all. Enjoy!