GTK+ eBook Reader Foliate 2.0.0 Released!

Modern new GTK eBook reader Foliate 2.0.0 was released a few days ago with great new features and improvements.

Foliate 2.0.0 features new selection popover, redesigned interface which works better with smaller screen. The headerbar and progress bar now auto-hide.

Other changes include:

  • E-reader style navigation.
  • A new location popover (Ctrl + L).
  • A new traditional menubar, which may be displayed depending on the desktop environment
  • Ability to zoom in and zoom out.
  • Continuous scrolling layout.
  • New built-in themes.
  • Ability to select text across pages.
  • Option to use a traditional titlebar and menubar
  • And much more other changes. See the release note.

How to Install Foliate 2.0.0 in Ubuntu:

The software offers native Ubuntu .deb package available to download at the link below:

Foliate releases (.deb)


Grab the package, then either double-click to install it, or open terminal (Ctrl+Alt+T) and run command:

sudo dpkg -i ~/Downloads/com.github.johnfactotum.foliate_*.deb

Once installed, launch the software from your system application menu and enjoy!

(Optional) To remove the software, simply run command in terminal:

sudo apt remove --auto-remove foliate

Foliate is also available via Flatpak and Snap (both runs in sandbox) which can be directly installed from Ubuntu Software.