How to Install Deepin Desktop in Ubuntu 20.04 LTS

This simple tutorial shows how to install the Deepin Desktop Environment in Ubuntu 20.04 LTS via PPA.

Deepin Desktop is the default desktop environment for UbuntuDDE Remix, a Remix flavor of Ubuntu system. An official PPA is available with Deepin desktop packages for Ubuntu 20.04.

1.) Add the official PPA for Ubuntu DDE Remix:

Open terminal from your system application launcher. When it open runs command to add the PPA:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntudde-dev/stable

Type user password (no visual feedback) for sudo prompts and hit Enter to continue.


2.) Install Deepin Desktop via apt:

After adding the PPA, run commands to refresh system package cache and install the desktop:

sudo apt update

sudo apt install ubuntudde-dde

If you want to install Deepin style login screen, do select lightdm as the default display manager during the installing process.

Once installed, log out and choose ‘Deepin’ session to login.

How to remove Deepin Desktop:

IMPORTANT: Before removing the desktop, you HAVE TO switch the default display manager back to gdm3 !!!

And you do this by running command:

sudo dpkg-reconfigure lightdm

To remove the Deepin Desktop Environments, open terminal and run command:

sudo apt remove '~ndde-.*' '~ndeepin-.*' startdde ubuntudde-dde '~nxscreensaver-.*'

And you may remove no longer required libraries via command:

sudo apt autoremove