Mozilla Firefox Reached Version 100 after 17 Years of Development

Mozilla Firefox has reached its 100th release! It has been more than 17 years since the first 1.0 was released in 2004.

Firefox 100 now supports for displaying subtitles in the pop-out video (Picture-in-Picture mode) for YouTube, Prime Video, and Netflix videos. Also, it supports video captions on websites that use WebVTT (Web Video Text Track) format, like, Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, and many more.

For macOS 11 with HDR-compatible screens, users can now enjoy HDR video on YouTube out-of-the-box, though you have NOT to enable “optimize video streaming while on battery”.

For Windows, hardware accelerated AV1 video decoding is enabled for support GPUs, including Intel Gen 11+, AMD RDNA 2 Excluding Navi 24, GeForce 30. Though, AV1 Video Extension from the Microsoft Store is required.

Other changes in Firefox 100 include:

  • Detect and offer choice if Firefox does not match system language on first run.
  • Add multiple languages support for spell checking.
  • Enable video overlay to reduce power usage for Windows user with Intel GPU.
  • Support credit card autofill and capture in the United Kingdom.
  • Ignore less restricted referrer policies
  • Choose preferred color schemes for websites.
  • Support for profiling multiple java threads
  • Add Geckoview APIs

Get Firefox 100:

For the release note as well as download link, go to Mozilla web site:

Firefox 100 Release note & Download

For Ubuntu users, Firefox 100 will be available in next few days. Just keep your system up-to-date and you’ll get the release soon.

For Ubuntu 22.04 (and old Ubuntu 16.04), you may install Firefox 100 as .deb from Mozilla Team PPA (Need to set PPA priority, see HERE for more).