How to Disable Printing of Documents & Files in Ubuntu 20.04 /22.04

For security reason, user may disable printing of documents & files in Linux to prevent them from being photocopied and then shared. Here’s how to do the trick in Ubuntu or other Linux with GNOME desktop.

NOTE: after running steps below ALL applications’ “Print” dialog will no longer accessible either via keyboard shortcut or menu button. Though, this ONLY affect the current user in system!

After this tutorial, ‘Print’ dialog no longer available

Option 1: Single command to disable printing:

A single command is always the most efficient way to toggle a hidden option in Linux.

Firstly, press Ctrl+Alt+T on keyboard to open a terminal window. When it opens, run command:

gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.lockdown disable-printing true

That’s it. The change takes effect immediately!

At any time, you may re-enable the ‘Print’ function by running command in terminal:

gsettings reset org.gnome.desktop.lockdown disable-printing

Option 2: Disable printing via Dconf Editor:

For those hate Linux commands, the advanced ‘Dconf Editor’ offers an option to toggle on/off the feature.

Firstly, search for and install ‘Dconf Editor‘ from Ubuntu Software:

Next, launch the tool and then navigate to ‘org/gnome/desktop/lockdown‘. Scroll down and find out the key “disable-printing“.

Finally TURN ON the slider for this key will disable printing for all apps for this user! As you see, there’s another key ‘disable-print-setup‘. With it enabled, print settings is no longer available for this user.