How to Install KDE Plasma 5.21.5 in (K)Ubuntu 21.04 via PPA

KDE Plasma 5.16

For KDE users want to install the latest Plasma 5.21.5 desktop, it’s now available in the backports PPA for (K)Ubuntu 21.04.

Plasma 5.21.5 was released more than a week ago with stability improvements and bug-fixes. As well as the KDE Frameworks 5.81.0, they are now available to install via Kubuntu Backports PPA.

Install Plasma 5.21.5 in (K)Ubuntu 21.04:

Search for and open a terminal emulator from start menu. When it opens, run following commands one by one.

1. Add the PPA.

To add the PPA repository, paste the command below and hit run:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:kubuntu-ppa/backports

2. Install / Upgrade to Plasma 5.21.5:

For KUbuntu 21.04, simply run apt upgrade to install available upgrades of all packages.

sudo apt upgrade

If you’re going to install KDE Plasma in Ubuntu 21.04, run command:

sudo apt install kubuntu-desktop

There are a large list of packages to install. I’d recommend to take a screenshot of what packages to install, in case you want to remove KDE later.

Finally restart your machine to apply changes and enjoy!