qBittorrent 4.1.6 Released! How to Install it in Ubuntu 18.04


qBittorrent torrent client 4.1.6 was released a few days ago. Here’s how to install it in Ubuntu 16.04, Ubuntu 18.04, Ubuntu 18.10, and Ubuntu 19.04.

qBittorrent 4.1.6 is a bug-fix release with following changes:

  • Force recheck multiple torrents one by one in all possible cases.
  • Don’t query Google for tracker favicons, for privacy reasons
  • Work around the crash occurred in QTimer.
  • Increase the .torrent file download size limit to 100 MiB
  • Disable downloading tracker favicons by default. Works around reported crashes in Linux.
  • WEBUI improvements and fixes.
  • SEARCH: Make num enter key work the same as return in searchjobwidget
  • Make window title bar icon work in Wayland
  • Update appdata.xml file for Linux

How to Install qBittorrent 4.1.6 in Ubuntu:

The official qBittorrent PPA contains the latest packages for Ubuntu 16.04, Ubuntu 18.04, Ubuntu 18.10, and Ubuntu 19.04.

1. To add the PPA, open terminal either via Ctrl+Alt+T or by searching “Terminal” from app launcher. When it opens, run:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:qbittorrent-team/qbittorrent-stable

Type user password (no asterisk feedback while typing due to security reason) when it prompts and hit Enter to continue.

2. To upgrade from a previous release, launch Software Updater and you’ll see qBittorrent available for upgrade after checking for updates.

upgrade qBittorrent

Or run commands below to install /upgrade it from terminal:

sudo apt update && sudo apt install qbittorrent


To remove qBittorrent PPA, go to Software & Updates -> Other Software, or run command in terminal:

sudo add-apt-repository --remove ppa:qbittorrent-team/qbittorrent-stable

To remove the bittorrent client, either use your system package manager or run command:

sudo apt-get remove --autoremove qbittorrent