Transmission, the popular free open-source BitTorrent client, announced the Beta release of next 4.1.0 version today!
The new release features optional sequential downloading support. Which, is useful when you want to watch large videos/movies while they are being downloaded.
However, I don’t find a graphical option to do the job, but only command line option -seq
or --sequential-download
for transmission-cli.
It also added IPv6 and dual-stack for UDP trackers. And, settings.json
config file now has preferred-transport
option, allowing users to manually choose between TCP and UDP when initializing outgoing connections.
While, there’s also sleep-per-seconds-during-verify
controls the duration in milliseconds for which the verification process will pause to reduce disk I/O pressure. And, set cache-size-mb: 0
in “settings.json” now disables the disk write cache.
For macOS, the release added “Show Toolbar” toggle option in context menu. It now supports redirects to magnet, Dark Mode and update default font in QuickLook plugin, as well there’s an option to set Transmission as the default app for torrent files.
The Qt UI added a ETA column or info for compact view, and GTK UI now uses system native file chooser dialog. For Web UI, it added support drag-and-dropping torrent file, high contrast theme, and percent digits into the progress bar.

Transmission GTK uses native file chooser
Other changes include:
- Improved µTP download performance.
- Added ability to cache IP addresses used in global communications, fixed UDP6 can’t connect warnings
- Added support for sending an ipv4 parameter during the Extension Protocol handshake.
- Improved libtransmission code to use less CPU and RAM.
- Slightly reduced latency when sending protocol messages to peers.
- And, various bug-fixes.
Get Transmission 4.1.0 (Beta)
The official release note, source tarball, as well as Windows .msi installer are available to download in the Github releases page, under “Assets” section.
For Ubuntu users, besides building from the source, I’ve uploaded the new release into this test PPA for Ubuntu 20.04, Ubuntu 22.04, Ubuntu 24.04, and Ubuntu 24.10.
NOTE 1: This is BETA version for testing purpose. Don’t use it on production machine!
NOTE 2: The PPA package will be removed, when Transmission 4.1.0 goes stable, due to favor of the stable PPA.
To add the PPA and install the beta package, use command:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntuhandbook1/test
sudo apt update
sudo apt install transmission-gtk
While, you may replace transmission-gtk
in last command with one of below depends on which you want to install:
– the Qt UI that’s suitable for LxQt, Plasma Desktops.transmission-daemon
– the daemon package run in background (access remotely).transmission-cli
– command line interface.
After installed the package, it’s recommended to remove the PPA repository by running command:
sudo add-apt-repository --remove ppa:ubuntuhandbook1/test
(Optional) To uninstall the Transmission package you installed from PPA, use command:
sudo apt remove --autoremove transmission*