[vc_row][vc_column][tlg_cta icon=”ti-id-badge” btn_link=”url:https%3A%2F%2Fossmalta.eu%2Fregister|title:Register|target:%20_blank|” button_layout=”btn-new btn-1 btn-1f” title=”Write for us” button_text=”Sign up”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text css_animation=”fadeIn”]We are looking for contributors who are passionate about the Open Source world. If you believe you have what it takes, feel free to contact us.
Apply today at info [at] ossmalta.eu if you fit the following criteria:
- You are Linux lover and/or an Open Source enthusiast
- You keep a keen eye on news in open source world
- You have experience in writing news and/or how-to articles
- You have experience with WordPress blogs (training provided if needed).
- You can come up with exciting news articles (How-To tutorials are a plus point)
What will you get in return:
- Satisfaction to contributing to Open Source community 🙂
- Backlinks to your blog(s) (after passing our security/SEO checks)
- Post visibility on our social media accounts
- post visibility from our partners (if relevant to them)