Celluloid 0.18 (Formerly Gnome MPV) Released! [How to Install]

Celluloid 0.18, formerly known as Gnome MPV, was released today. Here’s how to install it in Ubuntu 18.04, Ubuntu 19.04, and Ubuntu 19.10.

Celluloid is a simple GTK+ frontend for mpv media player. It was called Gnome MPV until version 0.16. The latest version 0.18 features:

  • Ability to show / hide window decorations via mpv option --border
  • New menu item for opening Discs
  • Stability fixes for the latest MPV 0.30.
  • Block cursor autohide when volume popup opened in windowed mode
  • And new translations.

How to Install Celluloid in Ubuntu:

You can install the media player easily via the official Flatpak (runs in sandbox) package in Ubuntu 18.04, Ubuntu 19.04, and Ubuntu 19.10

Open terminal either via Ctrl+Alt+T keyboard shortcut or by searching for ‘terminal’ from application menu. When it opens, run following commands one by one.


1. Paste below command and run to install flatpak framework:

sudo apt-get install flatpak

2. Add flathub repository, which hosts a large list of flatpak applications:

flatpak remote-add --if-not-exists flathub https://flathub.org/repo/flathub.flatpakrepo

4. Finally install Celluloid via command:

flatpak install flathub io.github.celluloid_player.Celluloid

NOTE if you’ve installed the flatpak package, simply update the media player via command:

flatpak update flathub io.github.celluloid_player.Celluloid

Once installed, launch the software either from application menu or by right-clicking video files and choose open with Celluloid!


To remove the Celluloid flatpak package, run command in terminal:

flatpak uninstall io.github.celluloid_player.Celluloid