Firefox 83 Released with JavaScript Engine Updates, Https-Only Mode

Mozilla Firefox 83.0 was released a day ago with significant updates to its JavaScript Engine, SpiderMonkey. It improved page load performance by up to 15%, page responsiveness by up to 12%, and reduced memory usage by up to 8%.

Firefox 83.0 release highlights:

  • Https-only mode.
  • Pinch zooming support for Windows touchscreen devices and touchpads on Mac devices.
  • Picture-in-Picture supports keyboard shortcuts for fast forwarding and rewinding videos
  • Improved user interface for screen sharing.
  • Improved search functionality.
  • Support AcroForm, allows to fill in, print, and save supported PDF forms.
  • Pocket recommendations for users in India with English version.
  • Various accessibility and security fixes

How to Install Firefox 83 in Ubuntu:

The new release package has been made into security & updates repositories for Ubuntu 18.04, Ubuntu 20.04, Ubuntu 20.10.

Simply open Software Updater utility and install the package update after checking for updates:

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