GIMP 2.10.36 Released! PPA Updated for Ubuntu 22.04 & 23.10

GIMP image editor announced a new stable release for the 2.10 series one days ago. Here’s how you can install it in Ubuntu 22.04, Ubuntu 23.04, and Ubuntu 23.10.

First of all, GIMP 2.10.36 includes a few security fixes. So, users are urged to upgrade as soon as possible.

Besides many bug-fixes and security updates. The new release also has some new features. They include Adobe Swatch Exchange (ASE) and Adobe Color Book (ACB) palettes support.

Gradient Tool now has an “FG to Transparent (Hardedge)” option, to generate a gradient from the foreground color to transparency, with hard-edge transitions between the 2 colors. Which, as well includes a “Repeat” option to alternate repetitive colored shapes.

Other changes in GIMP 2.10.36 include:

  • Load GIF images with PixelAspectRatio header metadata correctly.
  • Improve formatting behavior when selecting and changing text on canvas.
  • Add “Table of Contents” option under Help > User Manual submenu.
  • Workaround broken graphic tablet with recent linuxwacom driver on Linux.

How to Install GIMP 2.10.36 in Ubuntu

GIMP provides official Linux package through Flatpak. For choices, they are Snap package and Ubuntu PPAs (.deb) maintained by contributors.

Option 1: Flatpak (official)

Flatpak is an universal package format that can be installed in most Linux, though it runs in sandbox.

To install GIMP 2.10.36 as Flatpak, press Ctrl+Alt+T on keyboard to open terminal and run the 2 commands below one by one:

  • Install the Flatpak daemon package:
    sudo apt install flatpak
  • Install GIMP Flatpak package:
    flatpak install

If you already installed an old version of the Flatpak package, try to update it by running command:

flatpak update org.gimp.GIMP

Option 2: Snap package

Like Flatpak, Snap is also an universal Linux package format runs in sandbox.

GIMP Snap package is still at v2.10.34 at the moment of writing (check HERE). However, it’s easy to install by simply search & click installing in Ubuntu Software (App Center).

Option 3: Ubuntu PPA

For those who prefer native .deb package format, I’ve upload the new release package into this unofficial PPA for Ubuntu 22.04, Ubuntu 23.04, and Ubuntu 23.10, with amd64, arm64 and armhf support.

UPDATE: The package for Ubuntu 20.04 is also included. Sadly, failed to build it for arm64 architecture.

1. First, open terminal (press Ctrl+Alt+T) and run command to add PPA:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntuhandbook1/gimp

Type user password (no asterisk feedback) when it asks and hit Enter to continue.

2. Linux Mint users need to manually refresh system package cache, though, it’s done automatically in Ubuntu while adding PPA. To do so, run command:

sudo apt update

3. Finally, either run command to install GIMP 2.10.36:

sudo apt install gimp gegl

For Ubuntu 20.04, also run sudo apt install libgexiv2-2 to update the runtime library.

Or, use “Software Updater” (Update Manager) to upgrade your current GIMP to the latest.

Uninstall GIMP

If you installed GIMP via the official Flatpak package, run command below in terminal to uninstall it:

flatpak uninstall --delete-data org.gimp.GIMP

Also run flatpak uninstall --unused to remove useless runtimes.

For the Snap package, simply use Ubuntu Software or App Center to uninstall it.

For the PPA package, either run command to purge PPA and downgrade to the stock version:

sudo apt install ppa-purge && sudo ppa-purge ppa:ubuntuhandbook1/gimp

Or, remove the image editor directly by running command:

sudo apt remove --autoremove gimp gimp-data gegl libgimp2.0 libbabl

Then, remove the PPA either via command:

sudo add-apt-repository --remove ppa:ubuntuhandbook1/gimp

or ‘Software & Updates’ tool under Other Software tab by removing the source line.

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