PyCharm 2024.2 Released! Wayland Rendering Support & New AI Features

JetBrains announced the new 2024.2 release of its PyCharm IDE just a few days after the release of IntelliJ IDEA.

The new release introduces significant improvements to the AI Assistant. It enhances cloud-based code completion with faster and more accurate suggestions, and features better UX including syntax highlighting for suggested code, and option to accept suggestions incrementally.

The AI now uses the latest GTP-4o model, supports chat references and semantic search. It features AI integration in the Terminal tool window, and AI-assisted VCS conflict resolution.

PyCharm 2024.2 also includes new option in the Search Everywhere dialog, allowing to preview the codebase elements you’re searching for, offering additional context and making it easier to navigate through your project.

And, the updated debugger offers properly formatted visualizations for string variables with strings encoded in JSON, XML, HTML, JWT, and URL.

Other changes are mostly for the Professional edition. They include Databricks integration allows to execute scripts and notebooks as workflows, execute files directly in a Spark shell on a cluster, and Hugging Face integration with model suggestion, interactive dataframes for the Hugging Face Datasets library, and option to identify and delete unused models.

The pro edition also features Jupyter notebooks with inline variable preview, new AI cell option to add prompts directly inside your notebooks, a light bulb icon that provides suggestions about the next steps in your data analysis workflow.

There are as well other changes (mostly for Pro) include:

  • New AI Assistant features to generate SQL CODE with AI, help modify tables, help understand and fix SQL problems.
  • Full line code completion with code highlighting
  • New shortcuts to accept individual words or entire lines from longer suggestions.
  • Upgrade the JavaScript execution engine in the HTTP Client to GraalJS
  • Add XPath functionality in HTTP client for querying and manipulating XML and HTML documents
  • Enhanced the Terraform support with full line code completion,
  • Resolve paths for frameworks that use file-system-based routing.
  • Support for new Svelte 5 snippets and render tags
  • Implement language server protocol (LSP) support for Astro
  • Run and debug TypeScript files from different entry points
  • Connect a remote IDE to ports available on the client machine with reverse port forwarding.

For more about PyCharm 2024.2, see the official announcement.

How to install PyCharm 2024.2

The JetBrains website provides the official packages for Windows, Linux, and macOS, available to download via the link below

Download PyCharm

For Linux, it’s a portable tarball with no installation required. Just download and extract it, then user may run the executable file ( under bin sub-folder) to launch the IDE.

For choice, Ubuntu user can directly search for and install the Python IDE from App Center (or Ubuntu Software), which however is Snap package runs in sandbox environment.

PyCharm is also available to install in most Linux through Flatpak package, which also runs in sandbox environment. For beginners, here’s a step by step guide shows you how to install it in Ubuntu.

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