Although Windows is not a free operating system, it has become a standard simply because it comes pre-installed with most new computers. In the past, this meant you also had to get matching commercial software, which often came at ...

Owners of the Raspberry Pi have received some good news with the announcement that all of the tiny ARM computer SoC drivers are now available as open source. Better still, all of the open source drivers are vendor provided (direct from the ...

With many business and government organizations that now use open source software such as Linux, it’s becoming increasingly clear that price is not the only advantage such software holds. If it were, companies that adopted it during the Great Recession ...

Open what? Open source is a term referred to software whose source code is freely available. this doesn’t always mean free as in no price attached, but rather the software is freely available to the public. Open source software is governed by ...

In this morning’s Red Hat Summit sessions, Jean Staten Healy and Bob Sutor of IBM presented on the solutions that communities around the world are implementing using Linux as a catalyst for a smarter planet. The IT industry exists to ...