Wine 4.0.1 Stable Released with Various Fixes (How to Install)

Wine Stable

For those sticking to the Wine stable 4.0 series, the first bug-fix release Wine 4.0.1 was released a day ago with numerous bug-fixes.

Wine 4.0.1 brings a total of 44 bug-fixes, including fixes to Theatre of War 3, Windows Media Player, League of Legends, Warcraft 3, Visual Studio 2015, and more.

How to Install Wine 4.0.1 in Ubuntu:

The official apt repository has made the new release package for Ubuntu 16.04, Ubuntu 18.04, Ubuntu 18.10, Ubuntu 19.04, and their derivatives.

Open terminal either via Ctrl+Alt+T or by searching ‘terminal’ from app launcher. When it opens, run following commands one by one to and the repository and install Wine:

1. Add the official wine apt repository for Ubuntu 19.04 via command:

sudo apt-add-repository 'deb disco main'

For other Ubuntu releases, replace disco in the code with

  • bionic for Ubuntu 18.04, Linux Mint 19.x
  • xenial for Ubuntu 16.04, Linux Mint 18.x
  • cosmic for Ubuntu 18.10.

2. Download and install the GPG keyring via command:

wget -nc && sudo apt-key add winehq.key

3. Finally refresh system package cache and install the latest Wine development package via commands:

sudo apt update

sudo apt install --install-recommends winehq-stable

Note that installing the stable release package will automatically remove the devel release package if any.


To remove wine dev release, simply run command in terminal:

sudo apt-get remove --autoremove winehq-stable

And you can remove the repository via Software & Updates utility under Other Software tab.