PCSX2 is a Playstation 2 emulator for PC. The compatibility rates for the emulator boast over 80% of all PS2 games as playable. If you own a reasonably powerful computer then PCSX2 is a great emulator. The application also provides ...

This is how to you can turn your Raspberry Pi 2 into a pretty powerful retro console. It runs emulation station and can emulate over 20 consoles right up to the n64 era. Step 1: What You Need A raspberry ...

Linux users have long had a love-hate relationship with Nvidia. On the one hand, Nvidia’s proprietary graphics drivers have always been the best-performing ones for windows and Linux gaming. On the other hand, Nvidia has been so hostile to the open-source ...

Wine is an open source project that, on the face of it, seems to offer something wondrous: the ability to run Windows applications under Linux (or any other open source OS). It does this by attempting to recreate the Windows ...

An application that allows users to root their Android devices is taking advantage of a security flaw in the Linux kernel that has remained unpatched on Android since its discovery two years ago. An application that allows users to gain ...

Dell wants push more users from Mac and Windows to Linux with it’s Project Sputnik effort. In a world of PCs dominated by Windows and Macs, Dell’s line of “Project Sputnik” laptops with Ubuntu Linux have secured a cult following. ...

Linux Mint is hardening its servers and planning changes to its operating system. Linux Mint users were exposed to a troubling vulnerability in February, when the Linux Mint website was hacked and distributed malware-infested ISOs for a day. The forum user ...

OnePlus might “Never Settle” for playing along with other brands. The Android OEM that has already made an iPhone case is this time collaborating with Canonical to bring the Ubuntu OS (formerly Ubuntu Touch OS) to the OnePlus One. Not ...

When Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella extolled his company’s love for Linux—an open source operating system it previously opposed—it would be natural to assume that commitment came with a few caveats. On Monday, the company doubled down on its love for ...

The arrival of the €30~€35, wireless-enabled, Raspberry Pi 3, following a similarly 64-bit, $40 (€36) Odroid-C2 SBC a few weeks ago, represent a big speed boost for Linux hacker boards but not a sudden switch to 64-bit ARM computing. The default Linux distributions ...

The original Raspberry Pi went on sale four years ago, and more than 8,000,000 units have shipped since then. Raspberry Pi computers are used in schools and universities, in factories and other industrial applications, in home automation and hobby projects, ...

Libreoffice is immediately available for Linux, MacOS X, Windows and available in localised version (Maltese version in development) The Document Foundation  has announced LibreOffice 5.1, a full featured open source office suite which compares head-to-head with every product in the ...

A new video series has been launched to mark the 24th anniversary of the Linux Kernel. The Linux Foundation aim to use the six-part series, which is titled ‘A World Without Linux’, to raise awareness about Linux and how it plays ‘an integral ...

Malta is one of those places where the small size allows one to see significant migrations to GNU/Linux desktop in their full glory. Notice the ascendance of GNU/Linux in the same week that school started that year. The peak usage ...

  Although Windows is not a free operating system, it has become a standard simply because it comes pre-installed with most new computers. In the past, this meant you also had to get matching commercial software, which often came at ...